Are you confused about the differences between hyperbolic and hyperbaric? If so, you’re not alone! Although they sound familiar, these two terms are completely different. Hyperbolic is frequently used in figurative language and mathematics, whereas hyperbaric is a medical term that refers to oxygen therapy under pressure. 

Understanding the distinction between these two terms is particularly important in healthcare settings, where misinterpretation could lead to dangerous consequences. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the specifics of hyperbaric oxygen therapy and why it’s crucial to differentiate it from something hyperbolic. By the end of this guide, you’ll have a better grasp of these terms and their implications, which will help you make more informed decisions about your health. So, let’s dive in and discover the key differences between hyperbolic and hyperbaric!

Key Takeaways

  • Hyperbaric and hyperbolic are distinct terms; hyperbolic refers to exaggeration or hyperbola in mathematics, whereas hyperbaric pertains to medical treatments using high-pressure oxygen, notably in hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), which aids healing by increasing oxygen delivery to tissue.
  • HBOT is a medically approved treatment that involves breathing 100% oxygen in a pressurized chamber. It is beneficial for conditions such as burns, carbon monoxide poisoning, and chronic wounds, and enhances cognitive functions for mental health conditions.

What is the Difference Between Hyperbaric and Hyperbolic?

In the 15th century,1 the term hyperbolic was primarily employed in rhetorical and mathematical contexts. Contrastingly, the term hyperbaric has distinct roots in the medical field. It describes treatments and therapies that utilize high-pressure oxygen. The key difference here is the context; hyperbaric is used in scientific medical discussions, unlike hyperbolic.

So, when discussing a hyperbaric oxygen therapy chamber, we refer to a medical device, not a geometric curve or an exaggerated statement.

The Science of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)

HBOT is a scientifically validated procedure that involves breathing 100% oxygen at elevated atmospheric pressure in a specialized hyperbaric chamber.2 This setup allows blood plasma to dissolve more oxygen, increasing its delivery to different tissues throughout the body. The transformation of a simple element like oxygen into a powerful therapeutic tool under specific conditions is indeed fascinating.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approves HBOT for a range of conditions, including burns, vision loss, and bone diseases, among others.3 HBOT administration requires supervision from a trained professional. Treatments involve 100% medical-grade oxygen at specific pressures for set durations.

Types of HBOT Chambers

In the world of HBOT, there are two main types of chambers: monoplace and multiplace.4 Monoplace hyperbaric chambers, true to their name, are designed to accommodate a single patient. The individual lies inside a clear acrylic tube up to 3 atmospheres (ATM) of pressure, delivering 100% oxygen directly without needing a hood or mask. These chambers provide the flexibility for creating customized hyperbaric protocols tailored to address specific medical conditions.

On the other hand, multiplace hyperbaric oxygen chambers, also known as pressure chambers, are able to:

  • Hold multiple patients at a time, typically used in hospital settings
  • Pressurize the entire room to the same depth
  • Facilitate oxygen inhalation via a hood or mask, which allows for treatments to occur simultaneously for multiple patients
  • Provide enough room for life-saving medical equipment, making multiple chambers suitable for emergencies and hospital environments

What is the Role of Oxygen in Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy?

Under the enhanced air pressure conditions of HBOT, patients’ lungs can take in more oxygen than normal atmospheric pressure. Breathing in 100% pure oxygen allows for greater oxygen saturation within bodily tissues. The increased levels of oxygen support muscle repair5 and expedite recovery following physical exertion.

HBOT also plays a key role in reducing inflammation by replenishing the oxygen supply to swollen tissues4, which is essential for healing chronic wounds. Through neovascularization prompted by HBOT, new blood vessels like capillaries are formed within damaged brain areas, improving blood flow and higher oxygen availability and promoting neurological recovery.

Experience state-of-the-art Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy at Plus by APN and visit our HBOT clinics in Dallas, Fort Worth, and Edwards, CO. Our clinics are equipped with the latest hyperbaric chambers, offering personalized HBOT treatments designed to meet the specific health needs of each patient. Discover the healing power of increased oxygen levels in a professional and caring environment.

The Therapeutic Benefits of HBOT with Plus by APN

Plus by APN is leading the way in providing comprehensive mental health treatments and has incorporated HBOT into our healthcare approach. We value HBOT for its various applications; HBOT can enhance neuroplasticity, facilitate optimal brain health, and help clients manage cognitive symptoms linked to various mental health conditions. Incorporting HBOT as part of our full continuum of care refects our commitment to leading the charge toward increased accessibility for innovative, patient-centered behavioral healthcare. 

At Plus by APN, we design our treatment plans with flexibility and personalization at the forefront, considering factors such as session frequency and duration alongside other treatments. The cognitive-enhancing effects of HBOT can synergize with cognitive behavioral therapies and pharmacological treatments, and may alleviate symptoms of mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety.

Addressing Severe Cases: From Carbon Monoxide Poisoning to Decompression Sickness

HBOT occupies a central role in emergency medicine, particularly for conditions such as carbon monoxide poisoning, oxygen poisoning, and decompression sickness where immediate treatment is vital. In cases of carbon monoxide poisoning, HBOT:

  • Hastens the elimination of CO2 from hemoglobin
  • Put patients under increased pressure and oxygen conditions
  • Restores normal oxygen transport
  • Reduces ischemic effects in the central nervous system

Originally developed to treat decompression sickness,6 HBOT administers 100% oxygen to patients at pressures above atmospheric levels.7 This process helps to prevent air or gas embolism and alleviate symptoms such as joint pain and more serious neurological effects.

Beyond emergency cases, HBOT generally promotes tissue healing by increasing the oxygen supply to damaged tissues, enhancing the body’s natural healing processes.

Chronic Wound Healing and HBOT

HBOT enhances oxygen uptake, bolstering the body’s defense mechanisms against bacteria and expediting wound repair. The resulting proliferation of stem cells and the increase in growth factors are pivotal in improving healing outcomes, especially for persistent chronic wounds.

In cases where diabetic patients face difficulties with wound closure, HBOT stands out as a transformative solution. Its ability to minimize the risk of amputations and successfully heal chronic wounds provides newfound optimism for individuals grappling with prolonged healing challenges.

Preparing for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: A Patient’s Guide

Getting ready for an HBOT session starts long before your arrival at the clinic. To ensure your overall safety and well-being during an HBOT session, your healthcare providers should advise you on how to prepare for treatment. This may include recommended abstinence from alcohol and carbonated beverages for at least four weeks. Smoking is also not advised as it can interfere with the therapy’s effectiveness; tobacco use can obstruct the body’s ability to transport oxygen. Therefore, responsible healthcare providers may advise patients to quit smoking during the HBOT treatment period.

Personal hygiene is another critical aspect to consider ahead of each treatment session. Before an HBOT session, patients should:

  • Shower without using perfumes or deodorants
  • Refrain from wearing wigs and remove jewelry
  • Remove lighters, battery-powered devices, and any items that generate heat to prevent the risk of igniting a fire
  • Remove all metal objects and electronic devices before entering the chamber

What to Expect During Your HBOT Session 

Patients undergoing HBOT sessions at Plus by APN will receive guidance and continuous monitoring from our qualified hyperbaric technicians. Each patient remains connected to our technicians through an intercom within a fully transparent  HBOT chamber. This visibility and open communication ensures each HBOT client receives continuous supervision without worrying about experiencing feelings of isolation throughout their treatment.

Moreover, before beginning actual treatment sessions, healthcare providers may also offer patients an orientation to familiarize themselves with the environment inside the chamber and alleviate any pre-treatment anxiety. During each HBOT “dive,” technicians increase the air pressure incrementally. Some patients may notice a sensation of ear fullness due to this rise in pressure.

Post-Therapy Care and Observation

After the conclusion of each HBOT session, medical staff may perform follow-up assessments that include evaluating the patient’s ears, blood pressure, heart rate, and blood sugar levels in patients with diabetes. These post-therapy examinations are crucial to confirm that the patient’s health remains stable following treatment.

It is common for patients to experience fatigue or hunger following an HBOT session. However, most individuals can resume their routines right after finishing a session, further emphasizing HBOT’s suitability for numerous people seeking treatment.

Innovative Approaches: HBOT’s Place in Modern Healthcare

By incorporating HBOT, Plus by APN embodies the progressive mindset required to reshape healthcare. We tailor patient treatment plans, weaving in hyperbaric oxygen therapy based on individual health narratives and recent scientific discoveries.

Plus by APN positions HBOT as a therapy within our broader interventional psychiatry and modern mental healthcare strategies. Our clients can continue to benefit from hyperbaric oxygen therapy, as repeated sessions can lead to normal tissue oxygen levels that persist beyond the immediate therapy period.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between hyperbaric and hypobaric?

The essential contrast between hyperbaric and hypobaric hinges on the level of pressure. Hyperbaric denotes a pressure above the normal range, whereas hypobaric signifies a pressure below standard.

What are the two types of hyperbaric chambers?

Two varieties of chambers utilized in hyperbaric oxygen therapy include monoplace and multiplace units. Each kind offers distinct advantages and caters to diverse scenarios within the realm of treatment.

What is the difference between hyperbaric and hyperbolic?

Hyperbaric pertains to medical procedures involving oxygen at elevated pressures, unlike hyperbolic, which applies in mathematics and figurative language.

What are the benefits of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT)?

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) offers numerous health advantages, including enhancing tissue repair, diminishing inflammation, and bolstering overall well-being. 

Final Thoughts

Looking back at our journey through the world of HBOT, it’s clear that this innovative therapy holds immense potential in the broad spectrum of healthcare. From its origins to the science behind high-pressure oxygen therapy and its role in treating many conditions, HBOT is a testament to medical ingenuity.

Incorporating HBOT into modern healthcare strategies can open new avenues for integrative treatment, offering hope and enhanced quality of life. The potential benefits of HBOT, especially when administered with care, precision, and a patient-centered approach, make it a promising path worth exploring. Book your consultation today.


  1.  “Hyperbolic, Adj.” Oxford English Dictionary, Oxford UP, September 2023,
  2. Lansdorp, Nina C. “Double-blind Trials in Hyperbaric Medicine: A Narrative Review on past Experiences and Considerations in Designing Sham Hyperbaric Treatment.” Clinical Trials (London, England), vol. 15, no. 5, 2018, pp. 462-476, Accessed 14 Mar. 2024.
  3. “Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Get the Facts.” U.S. Food and Drug Administration, FDA, 26 July 2021, 
  4. Ortega, Miguel A., et al. “A General Overview on the Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy: Applications, Mechanisms and Translational Opportunities.” Medicina, vol. 57, no. 9, 2021, Accessed 14 Mar. 2024.
  5. Chen, Yu, et al. “Early Recovery of Exercise-Related Muscular Injury by HBOT.” BioMed Research International, vol. 2019, 2019, Accessed 14 Mar. 2024.
  6. Smolle, Christian, et al. “The History and Development of Hyperbaric Oxygenation (HBO) in Thermal Burn Injury.” Medicina, vol. 57, no. 1, 2021, Accessed 14 Mar. 2024.
  7. CHANDER, YOGESH, et al. “HYPERBARIC OXYGEN THERAPY [HBOT].” Medical Journal, Armed Forces India, vol. 55, no. 2, 1999, pp. 89-90, Accessed 14 Mar. 2024.